PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveJet Sweep: Route Optimization to Visit Every NFL Team at HomeSolving the Traveling Salesman Problem with Linear ProgrammingJun 3, 20243Jun 3, 20243
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Published inTDS ArchiveOptimizing Super Bowl Squares with Linear ProgrammingA sudoku-inspired approach to minimizing competitive advantageFeb 6, 20243Feb 6, 20243
Published inPython in Plain EnglishSneakerhead Sudeikis: A Pythonic Tour of Ted Lasso’s Finest KicksScraping a WordPress site to visualize and estimate the value of Ted Lasso’s sneaker portfolioJun 29, 2023Jun 29, 2023
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Published inTDS ArchiveA Deep Dive into Wordle, the New Pandemic Puzzle CrazeEvaluating different heuristics to determine the most effective solving strategy and building an AI-powered assistant tool to help you winJan 23, 20224Jan 23, 20224
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Published inPython in Plain EnglishFrom Jogging to Sprinting: A Guide to Seaborn VisualizationsCreating relational plots, categorical plots, and GitHub-style heatmaps with my Peloton workout dataAug 11, 2021Aug 11, 2021